Original Information from PafBag Employees - Not AI Generated - You Saw it Here first!
1. What is an Industrial Lifting Bag?
The term 'Industrial Lifting Bag' is used to describe a bag designed to lift loads up to height, and is classed as a Lifting Accessory under UK Regulations, as opposed to a pneumatic lifting bag wedge expanded by compressed air, or an underwater lifting bag inflated to float submerged objects.
2. What is an Industrial Lifting Bag Used For?
Industrial Lifting Bags are used to safely contain a load as it is lifted up to height, generally whilst attached to a winch, crane or rope lifting system.
3. When do you Need an Industrial Lifting Bag?
To meet acceptable safety standards in commercial operations governed by Lifting or Height Safety Regulations, where the failure of a bag could lead to injury or death. Quite often a regulation won't state how to keep people safe but applying a risk assessment to lifting objects will need to address the risk of the load falling out of the lifting system onto a person below. Quite often this will mean the use of a specially designed Industrial Lifting Bag to effectively contain the load.
4. ​What Regulations Apply to Industrial Lifting Bags?
This will depend on the jurisdiction in force at the location or operation. Generally in the United Kingdom this will be LOLER: Lifting Operations, Lifting Equipment Regulations. PUWER: Provision, Use of Work Equipment Regulations. WAHR: Work at Height Regulations. Further Regulations, Codes and Guidance may also apply for specific aspects such as containment of gas cylinders in enclosed spaces and prevention of dropped objects into water habitats.
5. What Standards Apply to Industrial Lifting Bags?
In the UK there is currently no official Standard specifically governing the manufacture, inspection and use of Industrial Lifting Bags, however the PUWER Regs state that work equipment must be fit for its intended purpose and maintained in that fit state over time. In general The nearest applicable standard (or parts) should be adopted to apply considered best practise where possible. PafBag applies EN1492-1 standards to the design, manufacture and inspection of the Lifting Slings running through all our bags.
6. Are Industrial Lifting Bags CE Marked?
A CE Mark is a conformity marking that indicates a product has been assessed and meets the health, safety, and environmental requirements of the European Union. Generally, an item meeting a European Standard can bear the mark and be made freely available for sale within the European Union. The slings on PafBag Lifting Bags comply with EN1492-1 and are CE Marked.
7. How are Industrial Lifting Bags Inspected?
Industrial Lifting Bags are classed as 'Lifting Accessories' as defined by LOLER and should undergo a formal recorded inspection at least every six months by a suitably competent person, and pre use checked before every use. The manufacturer should supply guidance and checklists to assist the competent person perform their function effectively.
8. When should I Retire my Old Industrial Lifting Bag?
Industrial LIfting Bags should be retired if their condition creates an unacceptibly high likelihood of failure, leading to the escape or partial escape of the load from the lifting system. Also, they should be retired if they are likely to become unsafe before their next formal examination. There is no formal requirement to retire good condition bags made from modern materials due to age but best practise suggests a common sense approach based on information commonly applied in similar industries. We recommend that Industrial Lifting Bags be retired if better designs become available making their design obsolete, and in any case, at five years old, regardless of condition.
9. ​What Shape Industrial Lifting Bag is Best For Me?
The shape and nature of the load will affect the shape and style of the lifting bag. You may want to stabilise the load within the bag, and so a tight fitting bag may suit your purpose better. You may want to get your arms into the bag to lift the load out, or have a side loading bag to forklift your load in. Should the load be lifted in the vertical or horizontal plane to get throught tight spaces - or both! Rectangular bags can suit some loads or tools better but round bags are better in constricted spaces because they will snag less. Closed top bags are required when lifting over water to avoid spillages. Open top bags are better for loading heavy items or for quick, constant access. Liquid or semi liquid loads (sand, gravel etc.) are not suited to Industrial lifting bags unless the bags specifically state they are strengthened to combat such omni forces. Such materials need to be placed in extra bags/packaging within the Lifting Bag.
10. What Factors to Consider when Choosing an Industrial Lifting Bag?
What is the Safety Factor used for the Safe Working Load. Some manufacturers do not state this. PafBag Sling Sets have a 7:1 safety factor as required by Standard EN1492-1, and then either basket hitched or doubled up for extra strength.
Be clear about what the stated bag dimensions actually mean as the height dimension can either be the useful box height of the bag or the height to the apex of the closure system. Other dimensions can be either external or internal dimensions.
Polyester webbing is the preferred material for lifting slings due to its UV Resistant Properties and reasonably high melting point.
You should consider how the load forces down on the base and how it can deform and strain in adverse circumstances. Using wooden battens on the floor may be advisable if a round load or a machine with castor wheels is being lifted.
Some bags are designed for basic amenity and come at a cheaper price point. Other bags come with features that:
Make them more Compliant to Internationally Recognised Safety Standards.
Protect the load, lifting bag and structure,
Are more ergonomic and pleasant to use,
Have reflective strips and integral LED Lights for higher visibility
Are designed to naturally promote safer practise and outcomes,
Come with tougher plastic bases to withstand abrasion,
Have replaceable parts that help extend useful life
And just last longer.
Not all Industrial Lifting Bags are made equal!
11. Will an Industrial Lifting Bag Protect the Load?
The PVC style fabric and foam inserts used in Industrial Lifting Bags will not offer much protection against knocks but will offer minor protection against scrapes and scuffs to both the load and the structure against which they may touch. If load protection is important, you should seek bags that offer extra protection in the form of rigid plastic wall inserts or high internal trays.

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