Very Strong Small Open Top Round Lifting Bag for those special safety-critical jobs where confidence is required and peace of mind achieved.
- 300kg SWL, Batch Tested at 7:1 Safety Factor.
- Polyester Lifting Sling, complying with EN1492-1.
- CE marked with EC Declaration of Conformity Certificate.
- Dimensions - 300mm Diameter x 500mm High up the Sidewall.
- Open Top for the loading of heavy items and quick access to contents.
- Internal Stiffening Base Plate to support load over lifting slings.
- PafBag Ring-Sling provides high Side Wall strength.
- Ring Sling Captured onto Lifting Sling whilst allowing it to stretch and take the strain without damaging the bag.
- Base Options on this Bag are:
- Replaceable Protective Boot
- Abrasion Resistant Drag Tray.
- Connection Point style option of:
- Industry Standard Wear Sleeves.
- Stainless Steel Elongated D Rings.
- Ferrous Master Link
- Supplied in Different Colours, and all except Black have Reflective Strips for High Visibility.
Choose your Colour, Base and Connector Option and add your bag to the Cart.
35 Litre Open Top Round Lifting Bag 300mm Diameter x 500mm High
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